Easyfundraising & The Accessible Guide

Did you know The Accessible Guide is on Easyfundraising? This means you can support our Company when shopping online and it couldn’t be any easier.  All funds raised go to enabling us to further develop our platform and towards our Sociable project.  It is essential that we raise funds which will help us deliver our services and projects and we would be delighted if you could support our Easyfundraising cause.

We really do appreciate the support we have recieved, if you’re able to support out Easyfundraising cause then please see the information below.

How to Support our Cause

You can raise FREE donations for The Accessible Guide EVERY time you shop online. Just use #easyfundraising! Over 7,000 brands will donate, including all the big names like John Lewis & Partners, BT, Expedia, Argos, ASOS, Just Eat, Uswitch and many more!

Please support The Accessible Guide by clicking on the link below: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/theaccessibleguide